Sunday, February 23
9 a.m. — Volunteers arrive and set up at Group Use Area 1 trail.
9:30 a.m. — Check-in: Racers receive numbers. Mushers’ meeting. Start order requests taken.
10 a.m. — 8 km race: combined skijor and kick sled classes.*
10:30 a.m. — 5 km race: combined skijor and kick sled classes.*
The start time is approximate and depends on when the 8 km race finishes.
11 a.m. — 3 km race: combined skijor and kick sled classes.*
The start time is approximate and depends on when the 5 km race finishes.
12 noon — Awards presented for 1st to 3rd in each class, as well as special awards and participant prizes.
Time is approximate and depends on when all races are finished.
1 p.m. — Volunteers to complete clean-up of race gear, and clean race trail.
* Note: Faster teams have the option to start first. Teams to launch at 1-minute intervals. Teams can launch in pairs.